duit poket nourul..

jom exchange link :)

Saturday, May 08, 2010

saya pulak 'N'..

tag yg seterusnye yg bkl dijawab adlh tag dari kak fyza dery's yg sgt cute tag ni diberi nak kate da lame tak lame cgtla.. n sy da mntk kt k.fyza utk wat lmbt ckit sbb tggu abis final exam..akhirnye final exam abis n tag akn dijwb.. jom kite nengok ape rules yg diberikn utk jwb tag ni..

it's harder than it looks
copy to your own notes
erase my answer
enter yours and tag twenty(20) people
use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions..
they have to be r
nothing made up
if the person before u had the same first initial,u must use different answer
u cannot use any words twice
u can't use ur name for the boy/girl name question.

what is your name: nourul
a four letter word: nine (9 my febret no)
a boy's name: nazli (senior paling mengade2..)
a girl's name: nur alyaa dayana (ank buah kcygn)
an occupation: noreh getah(gotah mahal,pak cik kayo!!)
a colour: nice blue
something ur wear: neck-tie (pnh pkai ke ek?)
a food: nasi goreng kg
something found in the bathroom: nila (utk baju wane putih nk jd cm baru)
a place: noghori 9..(kg den..he3)
a reason to being late: ni haa..pwot skt,date ngan mr.T kjp.
something u shout: No way!!boley brambuss!!(tgh angin puting beliung ni)
a movie title: nujum pak belalang
something u drink: nangka juice(sedap ke?)
a musical group: N'Sync
an animal: naga (dlm cite Merlin)
a street name: nilam purnama street (wujud tak?)
a type of car: nissan sentra

sekian saja tag yg perlu dijwb..
tibela mse utk sy menTag kwn2 yg lain pulak ye..
hehehehe(gelak nakal ni..;p)

cik jieda
cik sakura
cik fie aka tea
cik jojoe
yg lg 10 sy bg kat sape2 yg b'minat nk wat tag ni ok..
slmt menunaikan tggjwb anda..hehee..