duit poket nourul..

jom exchange link :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

award bertambah blog meriah..:)

salam semua pengunjung blog calledmenourul..:)..entry kali ni nourul xnak berceloteh panjang sbb nourul hanya nak menjawab tag b'serta award yang telah diberikan oleh seorang blogger yang cantik bangat dehh!!hehee..nak tau sape??


terima kasih daun keladi ye cik midori..
kalau ada award boley la hulur lagi..hehe..
jom kite check it out award yang diberi oleh cik midori kite ni..:)

INTERESTING BLOG AWARD tue..hehee..thnks skali lagi ye cik midori..
ade beberapa soklan yg kene dijwb..meh nengok..

1. thank and link the person that tagged you
thank u very much cik midori..i like dis award..:)

2. tag 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think fantastic
wait n see..hehee..

3. contact dat blogs and let them know they've been tagged
lps nourul jwb tag ni nourul start keta g blog anda ye..:)

4. state 7 bout yourself

> suke makan nasi xpecially nasi goreng yg my mom msk..;p

> likes make my fren hepy..

> suke menyanyi n lyn sume lagu yg best2 je..

> sorg yg tak boley nak tggi da..cedeyh2..sobs2..

> tak suke mrh n dimarahi..

> suke buat tak tau dr buat2 tau tapi xtau..

> sgt geli dgn katak..euuww..

tamat sudah soalannye..btw,thnks skali lagi ye cik midori..
lepp u!!:)


  1. nourul cyg..x pa la..kang klu bleh tggi..nourul nk rndh lak..hik3..

    dah ok pa skang..comey ja..;)

  2. huhuhu..kalo boley nk tggi mcm k.fyza comey..
    nmpk matured ckit..:)

  3. nape aku xpnah dapat award eh?
